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Hard Cover Books

All our Hard back/Case books are bound using PUR Glue technology so we don't have high set up costs unlike thread sewing. These are produced to an extremely high standard and will last years just like thread sewing. We can print one book so you can make sure you are completely satisfied before we go to print. Hard case books which can be produced in black and white or full colour and finished with different options.


Different Finish

If you opt for a printed cover you can also choose from a variety of finishes to enhance the look and feel. We can matt or gloss laminate as standard. We also have matt anti scratch or soft touch making your hardback a premium product. Many hardback books also feature a wrap-around paper cover known as a book jacket or dust jacket.

Printed cover hardbacks slips

See below some images printed cover hardbacks slips cases and dust jackets

Hard Case with printed cover

Unlike using a plain cover with a dust sheet, you can print your images onto the hard case and have your design printed directly onto the board. This technique is common with Children’s books and it is called a printed hard case cover.

Slipcases and boxes

A slipcase can be used to add extra protection, however generally they are used to enhance the overall look of the finished product.

Book jackets

Book jackets help protect the main cover from damage, marking or general wear and tear. Often referred to as a dust jacket they will be often be an integral part of a book’s design and included as part of the book production process. Printed book jackets will typically be laminated with a matt, or gloss finish but there are other options available.